Enemies with Benefits - choice 1.1
A "Choose Your Own Adventure" Fanfic
By: Highlander II
Rating: R (leaning toward NC-17 for imagery); language, homoerotic sexual situations
Spoilers: BtVS S1-S7
Summary: Secret Santa gift for Blue Icy Rose. Spike and Xander take a walk down memory lane and have a bit of fun.
Disclaimer: Characters belong to Joss Whedon and are property of Kuzui/Kuzui Entertainment, Mutant Enemy Productions, WB, UPN, FOX etc. etc.
Feedback: Highlander II
The little wanker actually pulls his fist back and clocks me across the jaw. Little shit. Hell, it hurts - not as bad as the Slayer, but it hurts. I'll have a mark.
"Shit, Harris."
"I told you to shut up."
"So you did. Never figured you'd actually hit me though." I touch my jaw - it's tender.
He pulls a face and flexes his hand. "If I'd known it would break my hand, I wouldn't have." He pauses for a breath. "Or, I mean, you pissed me off."
I arch an eyebrow. Really? Never would've guessed. Good to know the kid can do it when he has to though. It's a good skill.
He takes a moment, then asks, "You're not pissed about it?"
Hell, Harris, I got pissed every time someone hit me..."
He waves a hand. "Yeah. Whatever. But why aren't you angry at me?"
I shrug. "Now I know you can handle yourself."
"You didn't before?"
"Let's say I had my doubts."
"But you don't now?"
"You goin' somewhere with this or you just playin' twenty questions?" Which is a horrible game to play with Harmony. Only stupid bint I know who would actually choose 'bread box' as her item.
"Maybe I'm just wondering if you think I'm worth another round."
Now he's got me confused. "Round of what?"
He turns away and heads for the bathroom with a wave of his hand and a muttered, "Nevermind."
"Hold up." Two steps and I've caught him. "You sayin' you want to do it again? Play house?"
He sneers at me, but it fades fast. "Not exactly 'play house', but... you know... yeah."
I shrug. "Sure." Hey, it's been a while and Buffy's not givin' it up to me anymore. Though, not sure I want that with her right yet anyway.
His eyes blink and he fishmouths a moment. "B-but what about Buffy?"
"You think she's up for a party, bring her along, I'll wait."
"Spike!" He slaps my arm, then grabs my head and kisses me.
Well damn.
Is he worth another go? Hell yeah - but don't tell him I said that, he'll get all cocky on me and one arrogant over-bearing bastard in my life is enough.
click here to continue the story