Enemies with Benefits - choice 2.1
A "Choose Your Own Adventure" Fanfic
By: Highlander II
Rating: R (leaning toward NC-17 for imagery); language, homoerotic sexual situations
Spoilers: BtVS S1-S7
Summary: Secret Santa gift for Blue Icy Rose. Spike and Xander take a walk down memory lane and have a bit of fun.
Disclaimer: Characters belong to Joss Whedon and are property of Kuzui/Kuzui Entertainment, Mutant Enemy Productions, WB, UPN, FOX etc. etc.
Feedback: Highlander II
"Taking one of your suggestions, despite the fact that it ruined my fun horror movie night," he replies and licks his way down my chest.
"There are plenty of other bad horror flicks you can watch, Harris." I try to think of a few, but as m'brain's just leaked out m'ears with sudden mouth contact to my dick, I really don't care anymore.
I don't know where he learned this, but he's doin' fine - really fine. Tongue swirlin' 'round the head an' fingers curled 'round the base and my brain's gonna shut down on me. But then he does that - oh bollocks � and I hear something' squeak from my mouth that vaguely sounds like his name, but I'm not sure and I don't care as I empty m'self into his mouth. And somewhere in m'head I'm thinking he's rather experienced for a novice, but my dick is happy with the results, so I wall off the thinkin' part of my brain and collapse into the mattress.
Somewhere between long slow licks to my cock and Xander's head restin' on my chest, my brain gets the idea to take a trip back in time and ask, "Where'd you learn t'do that?"
He shrugs. "All the time Anya did it for me, I s'pose."
I arch an eyebrow and ask. "Huh?"
"I pain attention," he says, drawing patterns on my chest with his fingers, "when Anya was doing it. The stuff that I really liked, but never thought of myself, I tried to remember those things."
"Do unto others?"
"Something like that."
"Good call." Hey, it was bloody good. Might as well boost his ego a bit. 'Sides, good way to make sure he'll do it again.
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